animi wood news

Why Eco-friendly Packaging


With sensitivity and desire for a controlled exploitation of natural resources we at Animi Wood Workshop use packaging from recyclable materials for a matter of reasons:

Packaging made of recyclable materials, mostly paper, is better for the environment as it reduces the consumption of resources and can be recycled. The type of packaging we use is compostable or recyclable and it can be thrown into your recycling bin for re-use. Green packaging not only reduces our carbon footprint and environmental impact but is also beneficial for the environment as the packaging materials are biodegradable.


A beautiful paper box can be used for storage after it has served its original purpose helping to save more natural resources. It is vital to try to reduce the amount of plastic that we use. Using eco-friendly packaging methods and materials contribute to global warming and other environmental issues. Using non- sustainable petrochemical resources which are a part of all traditional plastics requires a lot of energy. Lighter packaging leads to less shipping costs. Shipping costs depend on the weight of the package and due to that fact paper boxes are an ideal solution for a cheap and safe parcel shipment.


Finally we believe it matches better with our brand image and principles. Wooden creations always look better on paper boxes as they feel more even more natural. An optimistic fact is that the demand for sustainable eco-friendly products grows everyday according to several global studies. All adults who were born after 1990 prefer to go eco-friendly and sustainability when it comes to making their buying decisions.


Going green is vital for our environment and planet and should be our only choice!!